Grande Region Hydrogen (EEIG, Germany, France, Luxembourg)

The goal of GRH is to develop an economic system for hydrogen in the Great Region (Saarland, Lorraine, Luxembourg) along the entire value-creation chain (production, transport, and use of H2). It offers companies in the region a forum for dovetailing hydrogen projects and tapping into synergies.

The goal of GRH is to promote cross-sector projects on decarbonization in the areas of industry and mobility as a pilot project for cross-border hydrogen cooperation that will lead the way for all of Europe. In addition to the regional transformation process, GRH seeks to help shape Europe’s hydrogen economy in terms of a climate-neutral Europe.

GRH was founded in August 2021 by the distribution system operators Creos (Germany) and GRTgaz (France), the energy company Encevo (Luxembourg), and the hydrogen producer H2V (France). Since then, GazelEnergie, Hydrogène de France, SHS Stahl Holding Saar, and Steag have become partners.

More information:

For GRH, we arranged a workshop in the spring of 2022 where we defined communication goals and strategies and created a road map for implementation in 2022. As a first step, GRH communication was internationalized, and the English-language GRH website along with existing brochures and rollups were translated into French and German.

As the next step, intensive press relations for the German-Luxembourgish hydrogen convention in Saarbrücken in June 2022 led to extensive reporting in the media on both the convention and the GRH initiative as well as its “MosaHyc” project. Reporting on the convention came from media outlets such as ZDF, Saarländischer Rundfunk, the Lorraine TV stations “TV Mosaik Cristal” and “TV8”, German and French radio stations and print media such as the Saarbrücker Zeitung newspaper, the magazine “Forum”, the weekly magazine “L’ami hebdo”, and trade press such as “H2 live”, “Windjournal”, and “GWf Gas”.

Development of a communication strategy for the European economic interest grouping “Grande Région Hydrogen” (GRH); definition of goals and target audiences as well as appropriate communication measures for 2022; raising of awareness to the EU, national, and regional level in Germany, France, and Luxembourg; promotion of political support for the initiative through networking as well as press and public relations


  • Conception and execution of a French-German workshop on the development of a 2022 communication strategy for GRH
  • Consultation on communication strategy and organizational consultation on the structuring of work processes, roles, and approval processes for GRH communication between the three partner companies Creos Germany, Encevo Luxembourg, and GRTgaz France
  • Translation of the English-language GRH website and existing brochures and rollups into French and German
  • Press relations in Germany, France, and Luxembourg on the German-Luxembourgish hydrogen convention in Saarbrücken in June 2022; PR coordination with the appropriate parties within Saarland's ministry for economic affairs
  • Editing of a French- and German-language press release and press invitation to the convention as well as selection of press photos
  • Composition of a tailored distribution list consisting of regional and national media in Germany, France, and Luxembourg as well as trade press in the fields of renewable energy and sustainable management
  • Invitation of journalists from Germany, France, and Luxembourg; support at the convention; scheduling of shooting and interviews during the convention and afterward
  • Creation of a press review for Germany, France, and Luxembourg


  • German-Luxembourgish hydrogen convention in Saarbrücken on June 30, 2022
  • European economic interest grouping GRH and its goals
  • “MosaHyc” as one of GRH's main projects